全備地傳福音 Holistic Evangelism

May 26, 2019

全備地傳福音 Holistic Evangelism

Passage: Matthew 9:35-10:1
Service Type:

馬太福音:35-10:1 Mt.9:35-10:1

三種見證 3 types of testimony: (9:35)
日常生活見證Daily life
分享生命見證Verbal testimony
福音見證對談Gospel talk

三種裝備 3 areas of preparation: (9:35-36)
頭:真理和知識 Head: knowledge and truth
手:技巧和見證 Hand: skill and testimony
心:品格和心態 Heart: character and motivation

禱告的重要The significant of prayer: (9:37-10:1)
神是主:祂的時間和方法,祂得榮耀He is Lord: His timing and His way, glory be to Him
這是一場屬靈爭戰,唯靠神權能 This is a spiritual warfare, must depends on His power and authority

為未信親友和傳福音的人禱告pray for the lost and those who are witnessing
結成小隊配搭落實外展和傳福音form small team and start outreaching and witnessing

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