陪著你走 Walk With Me

November 26, 2017

陪著你走 Walk With Me

Passage: Acts 11:19-26
Service Type:

陪著你走 Walk With Me
經文:徒11:19-26;13:1-3 Scripture: Acts 11:19-26; 13:1-3

引言: 巴拿巴,意思是勸慰之子,他到了安提阿,名副其實地勸慰當地信徒,帶領他們事奉,成長。經文告訴我們,他的工作有以下幾個步驟:辨認是否聖靈的工作;物識神所選用的工人,陪著他鼓勵他,訓練他成爲可用的僕人;最後信任他,授權讓他成爲新一代領袖。

Intro: Barnabas who is called the “encourager” did what he does best: Discern the situation, is this of the Holy Spirit? Is it only a human work? Or is it the work of the devil; Identify key young Christian leaders, affirming them, walking alongside of them in order to train them to become mature leaders and then “letting go”, empowering them and entrusting them to walk their own faith journey with God.

I. 辨認聖靈的工作 Discerning

II. 物色與培訓 Identify, Affirming & Training

III. 授權與信任 Entrusting & Empowering

結語:巴拿巴陪著掃羅走過事奉的第一段路直至掃羅成爲了我們所熟悉的保羅, 誰是你的掃羅?你願否陪著他/她走第一段事奉路,讓他/她成爲下一位保羅?

Conclusion: Barnabas walked with Saul until Saul took flight as Paul. Who is the Saul to your Barnabas?

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