Dear brothers and sisters:

Thank you to many of you who attended the Town hall meeting last Sunday.  Thank you for your valuable comments, suggestions and questions.  Please find below some clarifications:

  1. There was a question about whether a mask or face covering is needed if there is only one person in the entire room singing and leading worship.  The answer is that we prefer everyone to wear a mask or face covering indoors.  This is especially so since singing involves the projection of more droplets for greater distances compared to talking.  However, if the singer is unable to sing or lead worship wearing a mask or face covering, we would allow that provided that everyone else in the room is wearing one.  The singer must stay behind the Plexiglas barrier of the pulpit when singing.  If others within the same social bubble are involved, then they too are allowed not to wear a mask or face covering when in the same area on stage as the singer.   The area within a 4 meter distance around the singer must be cleaned and disinfected after use.
  2. The suggestion of having a Plexiglas barrier around the pulpit will add an extra margin of safety during in-person worship services.  We will be installing these.
  3. We have asked the IT department to look into upgrading the church internet and wifi capacity to prepare for in-person meetings that may be shared virtually simultaneously.
  4. We have asked the Building department to look into any modifications such as special filters and disinfecting systems to our HVAC systems.
  5. We will be monitoring the course of the pandemic in the GTA closely.  If infection rates start going up, we may halt the re-opening plan or go backwards in the re-opening stages.
  6. We will be monitoring the gradual reopening to evaluate whether it is a fruitful use of our limited resources.  For example, a church had 20 people serving and working hard each Sunday to ensure everyone’s safety in the in-person worship services which were attended by 10 people each Sunday.  That church is considering halting in-person services with the view that those resources are better used elsewhere for the Kingdom.
  7. The guidelines below have been revised according to the above where appropriate and will be the defining version until the next revision.

Peace and grace,
GCGCNY Covid-19 Response Team

GCGCNY Covid-19 guidance. Sept 13, 2020Our General Guiding Principles

I. Our General Guiding Principles
II. Requirements for coming to the church during any stage
III. Church Re-opening Stages
IV. Specific guidance for each stage

I. Our General Guiding Principles

  1. We will balance government recommendations with an extra margin of safety and caution and the principles and practices of our Christian Faith and our church.
  2. We will consider all health and occupational safety concerns.
  3. We will work within the law and government guidelines since these so far have not had areas of conflict with our beliefs.
  4. We recognize that our congregations are interconnected as a community of families which has members attending different congregations.
  5. The pastoral team will have input before we finalize any guidelines.
  6. We will take a proactive approach.  We will anticipate future developments rather than only react to present and past developments.
  7. We will be monitoring the course of the pandemic in GTA closely.  If infection rates start going up, we may halt the re-opening plan or go backwards in the re-opening stages.
  8. The Covid-19 Crisis Response Team welcomes everyone’s feedback, comments, suggestions and questions.  We strive to reflect our values of love, faith, hope, unity, truth and transparency in this process and in our decisions and implementation.  Our contact is:  (416) 499-0111 x 101.
  9. Each lead pastor may decide to implement each stage at a later date than this guidance’s earliest dates in accordance with the needs and resources in each congregation.

II. Requirements for coming to the church during any stage

To ensure the safety and health of everyone and to follow government guidelines, whenever anyone comes to the church, we require that:

  1. They are not ill (no fever, no cough, no shortness of breath, no vomiting, no diarrhea etc) and not have conditions that decrease their immune response (eg elderly). They should self-check their temperature before leaving their home.
  2. They have not travelled outside of Canada or been in contact with anyone with confirmed or suspected Covid-19 in the last 14 days.
  3. They maintain physical distancing of at least 2 meters.
  4. They follow frequent meticulous hand washing and hand sanitization.
  5. They wear a face covering. 
  6. They disinfect all equipment after use. e.g. Microphones, musical instruments, music stands etc.  Disposable microphone covers will be provided.
  7. Whenever possible, items should not be shared to minimize spread of pathogens through touch.  E.g.  sheet music, books etc.
  8. No food or drink are allowed in the gyms and sanctuaries A and B except for a personal container of water.  (no coffee, tea or other beverages that cause a mess when spilled.)
  9. Singing and wind instruments are not allowed indoors.
  10. For worship servers on stage, only one is allowed to lead without a mask or face covering behind the Plexiglas barrier.  The Plexiglas must be disinfected between use by different worship servers unless the servers are from the same social bubble.
  11. The maximum number in a group in a room is the lower of the number that permits physical distancing of 2 meters or 30% of the room capacity.  One of the group members must take a photo or video (with the exact time and location information in the digital file attribute) of the entire group as a record in case that there is a need for future contact tracing.  This photo must be emailed to  Privacy will be respected and this photo will only be used for contact tracing if needed.  The person sending the email must have the names and contact information of each person in the photo and be able to produce this information if requested.
  12. Each person must supply and wear their own face covering. 
  13. The church will supply one face shield to anyone involved in ministry at the church who requires one to speak.  Each person is responsible for disinfecting it after each use, storing it at home and re-using it.  Acceptance of this face shield signifies that person’s agreement to release the church of any liability from its use.
  14. They must use only the designated entrances and exits.  They must walk only in the direction of the arrows.
  15. Church attendees must not enter into the Grace Nursery School area since they have re-opened and have to follow strict infection control protocol from the government.
  16. Each attendee will be provided with a pair of gloves and one sheet of paper towel to disinfect any surface he/she has touches after the end of each meeting.  Spray bottles with disinfectant will be available to spray on the paper towel.  The surfaces will be dampened with the paper towel and allowed to air dry.  After discarding the gloves and paper towel, he/she must use hand sanitizer to disinfect his/her hands.
  17. Only the south side washrooms will be opened.  There is a limit on the number of persons allowed in the washroom at each time. 
  18. A person using the toilet is to pick up a disposal toilet seat cover before entering the washroom.  The cover is to be flushed down the toilet after use.  Everyone after washroom use must wash his/her hands with soap and water and dry with a paper towel.  The same paper towel must be used to open the washroom door before being discarded in the waste bin outside of each washroom.
  19. Room use must be prebooked with Queenie at  (416) 499-0111 x 101 at least 1 week in advance.  Information needed for booking are the person responsible and his/her contact info, the number of attendees expected and the time slot required.  In booking the room, the person booking the room agrees to bear the responsibility that all guidelines are followed by his/her group.
  20. All children must stay with their parents.
  21. Families or social bubbles can sit together.

III. Church Re-opening Stages:

  1. Live steaming at church    NOW
  2. Prayer meeting (virtual and in person)       NOW
  3. Cell groups- meeting at church or at home (virtual and in person)    OCT 5 (tentative)
  4. Adult Worship (virtual and in person)       NOV 8(tentative)
  5. Sunday School (virtual and in person)
  6. Children activities. (difficult to social distance, keep face covering on, maintain meticulous hand hygiene)
  7. use of the gyms for sports, sharing food & drinks
  8. New normal church function (virtual and/or in person subject to ministry needs)

At present, for our church, we are open for stage 1 and 2 of the above with the lead pastors making the decisions for each congregation.
Further re-opening of new stages will be based on the above General Guiding Principles and be subject to available human, organizational, financial, supply and equipment and technological resources.

IV. Specific guidance for each stage

Stage 3 – in-person cell groups:

Tentatively reopen starting Oct 5.  We want to observe the effects of schools reopening first.  Cells may consider forming social bubbles within cells where face coverings are not required.

(a)   Outdoor gatherings – ensure that there is physical distancing of
at least 2 meters.  Follow Toronto Public Health guidelines:

(b)   Indoor gatherings – limit of 10 people if at home.  Face covering
and physical distancing of 2 meters required.  Follow Toronto
Public Health guidelines in (a).
(c)    Indoor gatherings at church – follow (II) Requirements For
Coming To The Church During Any Stage above.  Follow Toronto
Public Health guidelines in (a).  The large class rooms and the
large gym (4 large groups at a time.) will be available for

Stage 4 – in-person worship service:

Tentatively reopen starting Nov 8.  We want to observe the effects of cell group reopening first.

  1. Everyone is to sit on designated colour coded seats only.
  2. There will be no singing or communion elements.
  3. Pre-registration will be required.  Allocation based on “first come first served” basis and equalizing opportunity for all.

Refer to the City of Toronto specific guidance for the reopening of churches for more details:

Your continued prayers would be appreciated.

Psalm 91: 1-6 (NIV)

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[a]
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.”

Surely he will save you
    from the fowler’s snare
    and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his feathers,
    and under his wings you will find refuge;
    his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
You will not fear the terror of night,
    nor the arrow that flies by day,
nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
    nor the plague that destroys at midday.

If you have any comments, suggestions, feedback or questions, please contact us through

Grace and peace,
Covid-19 Response Team

Rev Chan – representing the church staff
Queenie – representing the Cantonese congregation
Edwin – representing the Mandarin congregation
Sylvia – representing the English congregation
Felicity – representing the Children congregation
TK – team lead and representing the church Board of Directors

新冠肺炎應變小組新訊 (2020/09/13)



  1. 有題問若全場只有一人領唱,是否仍需戴口罩或面罩。回應是室內配戴口罩或面罩仍是最佳選擇,因為唱歌引起的霧化距離比說話遠;然而若因戴口罩或面罩而無法領唱,當在場所有其他人都有戴口罩或面罩時,領唱在台上保護屏障範圍內可以不戴口罩或面罩領唱;若有同屬一個社交圈(social bubble)的參予領會,在台上同一範圍內可以不配戴口罩或面罩,但領唱所在範圍四米內須於其使用後清潔消毒。
  2. 有建議加設防護屏障在台前,當實體敬拜時可加強保護會眾。教會將按建議加設。
  3. 我們已接觸教會的IT訊息部,尋求提升網絡方法,好使當聚會在實體與網上同步進行模式時,網路能應付需求。
  4. 我們已接觸樓宇部,尋求提升空調系統的防禦功能,例如選用特種濾幕或消毒系統。
  5. 我們將密切留意大多巿疫情發展,若感染數字回升,我們或會停止或降低重開階段。
  6. 我們將留意在逐步重開時資源運用是否合宜,例如若需動用廿人來提供安全的實體崇拜卻只有十人出席時,將考慮停止實體崇拜好讓同等人力資源能更有效用於其他事工。
  7. 按據上述各項,下列為更新了的指引;除非日後有更新版,教會將按這新指引運作。



I. 我們作出指引的原則
II. 任何階段進入教會的守則
III. 教會重開的階段
IV. 各階段的相關指引

I. 我們作出指引的原則

  1. 在政府指引下提高安全措施的同時,應用教會及信心原則,在兩者間要取得平衡
  2. 關注所有衛生及職場安全要求。
  3. 在不違返信仰原則下,嚴格遵守法例和政府指引。
  4. 明白各堂緊緊相連,因為教會是由群體組成,當中很多家庭的成員分佈在不同堂會。
  5. 小組在決定措施之前,會咨詢教牧意見。
  6. 採取主動立場,預先作好安排,避免迫於現在或過去發生了的事而被動應變。
  7. 我們將密切留意大多巿疫情發展,若感染數字回升,我們或會停止或降低重開階段。
  8. 歡迎大家向應變小組提出查詢、意見和回饋。我們盼望在訂定和執行各項措施的過程中,能反映和高舉愛、信心、盼望、合一、合乎真理和高透明度等價值觀。聯絡我們,可電郵 或致電 (416) 499-0111內線 101。
  9. 因應各堂的資源及需要,堂主任或會延遲該堂在各階段的重開日期。

II. 任何階段進入教會的守則


  1. 沒有不適(沒有發燒,沒有咳嗽,沒有呼吸困難,沒有嘔吐,沒有腹瀉等等),沒有減弱免疫力的徵狀,離家出門前要檢查體溫。
  2. 過去十四日內沒有離開加拿大,沒有接觸懷疑或已確診的新冠肺炎患者。
  3. 保持不少於兩米的社交距離。
  4. 經常洗手或使用潔手液。
  5. 使用面部防禦用品。
  6. 使用任何器材後要進行消毒,例如:咪、音樂器材、譜架等等。教會將提供用完即棄咪套。
  7. 若許可,不應共用任何物品以避免傳遞時散播病毒,例如:歌紙、書等等。
  8. 不可携帶任何飲品或食品進入運動場、禮堂A及B,個人水壺除外(只限清水,避免咖啡、茶等各類飲料不慎外漏時弄污場地)。
  9. 室內禁止唱歌及使用吹奏樂器。
  10. 崇拜領會的,容許其中一人在台上保護屏障內不配戴口罩或面罩領會,除非隨後領會者屬同一社交圈(social bubble),在其使用後必須進行清潔消毒。
  11. 小組聚會人數設限(按聚會房間可容量的30%,或保持兩米社交距離後的可容量,以此兩者之間最少那一個為限),其中一人必須拍照或錄影並記錄聚會的準確時間和地點,照片必須記錄所有在現場出現過的人,以防有人感染時可以追踪傳播鏈。有關照片及資料必須電郵到。教會將確保私穩,照片只用作追踪傳播鏈時用。上報照片者必須登記所有相中人的名字及聯絡資料,並在需要時提供此等資料。
  12. 所有人必須自備保護面部防禦用品。
  13. 教會將為所有因領會需說話的提供一個面罩。使用後,各人必須妥善保存和消毒該面罩,收存在家備下次使用。接受該面罩同時表示同意接納教會無須為使用該面罩承擔任何責任。
  14. 各人必須按指定的出口和入口來進出教會。在教會內必須按方向指引行走。
  15. 不可進入恩福幼兒園設施範圍,因為幼兒園重開需要遵守政府嚴密的防禦措施要求。
  16. 教會將提供各予會者一對手套及一張抺手紙,讓大家在聚會結束時把曾接觸的桌椅/物品表面消毒。教會將提供盛消毒劑的噴壺以弄濕抺手紙,用以抺遍所有曾接觸的桌椅/物品表面,讓其自然風乾。棄置手套及抺手紙後,務記使用潔手液消毒雙手。
  17. 教會只開放南面的洗手間。進入洗手間的人數設限。
  18. 有需要者,在進入洗手間前在門口可取即棄的厠板護紙,該護紙在如厠後請棄於厠內沖走。各人如厠後請以梘液洗手並以抺手紙乾手,請保留剛使用完的抺手紙用以開啟洗手間門離開,抺手紙請棄於洗手間外的垃圾箱內。
  19. 使用教會設施必須最遲於聚會前一週向行政幹事高太Queenie預約(可電郵至admin@gcgcny.org或至電  (416) 499-0111 x 101)。預約時必須提供下列資料:聚會負責人名字及聯絡資料、出席人數、聚會時間。預約者必須承諾負責確保予會人士遵守所有指引。
  20. 所有兒童必須由家長陪同。
  21. 的人可同坐。

III. 教會重開的階段:

  1. 在教會直播崇拜(已容許)
  2. 祈禱會(現場及網上同時進行)(已容許)
  3. 小組聚會在教會或在家進行(現場及網上同時進行)(暫定10月5日可開始)
  4. 成人崇拜(暫定11月8日可開始)
  5. 成人主日學(現場及網上同時進行)
  6. 兒童聚會(因難保守社交距離,需載保護面部用品,確保手部清潔衛生)
  7. 使用運動場,可分享飲食
  8. 教會新常態(因應事工需要決定是否網上同時進行)


IV. 各階段的相關指引


我們盼望先觀察學校重開後的情況,暫定可在10月5日開始小組實體聚會。小組可考慮分成數個社交圈(social bubbles),以致當該社交圈相聚時可以不戴口罩。

(a)   戶外聚會:請確保各人保持兩米的社交距離,並跟從多倫多公共衛生局的指引:

(b)   室內聚會:在家聚會上限為十人。需戴口罩並保持兩米的社交距離,並遵守(a)所列的多倫多公共衛生局的指引。

(c)  在教會內聚會:遵守(II)任何階段進入教會的守則,並遵守(a)所列的多倫多公共衛生局的指引。可用設施包括較大的課室及大運動場(運動場或會有四組同時使用)。



  1. 所有人必須按顏色標記指引坐。
  2. 崇拜沒有實體唱詩及聖餐部分。
  3. 出席崇拜需預約,配額按先到先得及公平原則。







黃達琨執事TK (董事會代表及應變小組組長)
陳訓民牧師Fanco (教牧代表)
高譚綺萍姊妹Queenie (粵語事工代表)
葛非執事 Edwin (國語事工代表)
司徒靜姬姊妹 Sylvia (英語事工代表)
陳張筱敏執事 Felicity (兒童事工代表)